Memoir Coming!
The year I moved abroad was a year of significant gains and losses. It was a year of truth. It was the year of my Masters, my marriage, and the move to show me the importance of beautifully built places. It was my time away to get in touch with myself at a distance like never before.
Step into my Placemaker, poet, and photographer shoes as I discovered myself while moving from the US to the UK to study abroad in one of the world's greatest cities, London. I became shaped by a global framework at the world-renowned Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, and the people and places I encountered.
After returning for the graduation ceremony during a global pandemic, what lessons have been learned? Was I transformed, and how did I choose to live going forward? This memoir highlights taking a chance at change, learning from others, and, most importantly, learning from an international perspective.
How will this memoir achieve showcasing this full spectrum of experience and education? You will join me for an adventure through my photographic and poetic lens of total sensory experiences of vignettes, each focused on the theme of place.
How do places influence us? During my year abroad, key locations altered the course of everything and led me to find my true calling in this world. The book dives deeper into the unique spots of my memories based in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Ireland, Scotland, and more.
Each vignette will accompany colorful illustrations, delicious details, moving and studying abroad advice, travel tips, and more. There will also be an artistic and whole sensory perspective through poetry and photography to showcase an entire dimension of each place as it weaves through the year abroad in the historic and modern islands of Great Britain and Ireland.
If you're an adventurer and want to fully immerse yourself in what it is like to move to a foreign country to discover yourself, this is the memoir for you. This is not just a book for students; it's for people who want to reevaluate their place and find their true home within themselves. No matter where or what facade we may put up, we are always where we are.
This memoir describes the detailed experiences of living as an expatriate, the excitement of uncertainty, and being unapologetic for following your dreams. So let's explore how to find the home within ourselves through the beauty of the place.